| Magnet Commerce, the complete ecommerce shopping cart software is used by merchants across the USA and Europe. Apart from a complete ecommerce solution, Magnet Commerce provides customers with web hosting services, business email, responsive support and regular upgrades. All these at the cost of one monthly subscription.  | |  | Our team consists of more than merely graphic designers - we are staffed by some of the most highly skilled programmers working on the web today. No matter what solution you seek for your website, we can provide it.  | | | Without search engine marketing, there is no point your site being there as nobody is actually able to see it. Our range of services offer great solutions as to how you can bring more unique visitors to your site. This results in more advertising revenue, more subscribers and more sales.  | |  | We offer 3 different plans according to the needs of each customer. However, all plans are customizable when this is required.  | |